Option #1: the competent, intelligent, already powerful, the gifted, the strong, the well educated, the rich?
I can see one major problem with this group of people... they are probably already spreading a kingdom, and I imagine that kingdom is theirs.
The second problem I could see God being faced with this group is that they are the ones more prone to being corrupted by power.
Option #2: the week, stupid, non educated, poor, broken, tired, hurt?
The bonus with this group is they have no kingdom, and most would say they can't accomplish anything.
The second bonus that God probably saw with this group is they know what it's like to be a slave so are less likely to use their power to enslave.
I have a third thought on this group but will share that later....
I'm just trying to paint a picture here, so bear with me. I know that there aren't only two kinds of people in the world and they don't fall into one of those groups, and I know that no one is immune to power....
yep..I find your musings quite interesting.. I always wanted to do something for God. Ten years down the track I have moments when I think i understand that if I had been given what I wanted, ( sometimes I tried to take what I wanted) i would no doubt havwe been very arrogant with it. the temptation for power can be as strong in the weak as it can for the mighty. sometimes more so. You yanks are O.K.(joke)
I am thoroughly enjoying thinking again. My brain has been in a bit of hibernation for the last two years. Thinking about this stuff is what I love. It's taking me down memory lane. It's been a long journey, and I'm sure there's a long journey ahead.
What's nice is I don't fear the journey anymore. I have had more than a few "knock down drag outs" with God, and I'm happy to share them with you. But one thing I know is that He's never struck me down with lightning no matter how loud I yell or nasty I get. He has always been faithfull to bring me through. I even think that He prefers that kind of relationship/honesy.
Now your talking my language...
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