Thursday, May 18, 2006


I definitely think that God made us this way... I suppose mostly for the purpose of us being attracted to each other and thus pro-creating and such. I think God also gives us pleasurable things for pleasure sake.

The value of "beauty" in our culture concerns me. I think we are sold a crock of crap as to what is beautiful. "Sold" being the key word. There is lots of $$ being made convincing people that with this product they can be "beautiful"

I was also thinking how this ties into midlife crises. For women once they hit their 40's (in theory) they have no hope of obtaining this beauty that the world holds so highly... it's the "beauty" that comes with youthful looks.

If I haven't been beautiful yet, at this age (35) I will never be (in the world’s standards)... And women who get plastic surgery to look younger are seriously delusional and wind up looking like Michael Jackson.

Mid-life men and women run out and try to act young... to prove that they are still valuable. That they still got it! Got what? Have we always been this way? There’s a scripture in proverbs that I’ve always liked…

Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.

That’s the problem with this kind of beauty… it doesn’t last… it fades… It’s great for getting us together, but crap for living life by.

It can be such a great distraction to what really matters.

My dentist told me the other day that he has seen women loose whatever it was that was special about them after they have had their teeth and jaw fixed.

1 comment:

urbanmonk said...

So does that mean that ugly people, or people with severe deformities are "made" without the gift of attracting a mate? Or is it possible that theirs is the greatest gift of all...
Inner beauty is rarely recoginsed, unless the vase is complementary on the outside too..

Yancey( one of my favourites) writes a chapter in "Rumors of another world" a book for people on what he calls, "the borderlands of belief" that centres around the story of the Elephant man. Someone so hideous that the first time a woman smiled at him and shook his hand, ( it had to be arranged by his benefactor, coz no one would do it spontaneously) he broke down and wept. Yet his benefactor noted that he had such a beautiful sweet nature, despite a life of ostracisation and rejection. He lived a life of solitude, without many relationships of any depth. ( he was, after all, a circus sideshow freak) But his benefactor provided him with accomodation in the country, where he found great joy in being able to roam the fields, and taste something of lifes beauty and sweetness without the burden of having people shrinking in horror from him where ever he went.

Theres your upside down kingdom. But its not really that easy to apprehend. Im sure that I would shrink from hideousness, despite my belief in invisible realities and inner beauty. Why?