Friday, May 12, 2006

Mother's day...

Mother's day is a tricky one for me... I guess growing up mother’s day was semi straight forward. I had a mom. I also knew I was adopted, but I didn't think about that more on mother's day because I only had one mom. The women who changed my diapers and cleaned my throw up, took me to school, made me get dressed and take a bath, fed me, and loved me... Right before I turned 12 my mom died. That has a way of changing everything as me and my sister are still discovering. After that, mother's day became a very sad day. I had no mother. Not like "normal" girls. A year and a half or so after my mom died my dad remarried. Now I have a step mother... Then I met John, and his mom... after marriage I have a mother in law. When I was 30 I found my biological mother... but that's a whole "nuther" story...

pay attention or you will get lost...

1 mother
1 step mother
1 mother in law
1 biological mother
1 grandmother

and now I am a mother... well, have been for the last 17 years.

hmmmm "mother's" day.....

Who should I send a card to?

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