you bring me to the next good point... or I should say you have made the next point... not that I had already worked out what would be the next good point... Or saw into the future and knew what you would say... or.... or...
"Isn’t it strange that a man with no outward deformities identifies so strongly with the elephant man?"
Yes and no...
That is my answer for everything now a' days…
Once I began talking openly about my "issues"... I quickly realized that I wasn't the only one who felt the way I did... as the years have gone by and I've become more and more honest and transparent, I realize that most people feel the same way (when they are being honest) and if they say they don't, they just haven't come to realize that part of themselves yet... the nice thing about not having that pretense is I think we get to the end of ourselves faster... and waist less time chasing other things, believing they will “fix” us...
it's good to let the little “gods” die... if you let Him, one by one God will pick them off... it's a bit of a painful process (see exodus), especially if you really believed that “god” would save you... but in the end you're left with the one true God... and get the chance to get to know Him. And one of the really cool things about Him is that He doesn’t “fix” you… He takes you as you are and lives with and through you. You see, in His eye’s there’s actually nothing “wrong” with you.
I watched the movie “thumbsucker” last night. I sucked my thumb until I was 11 so was very curious to see this movie. Towards the end of the movie a character says that there is actually nothing “wrong” with sucking your thumb… he tells the main character that there was nothing “wrong” with him… I find this very profound…
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