Monday, August 28, 2006

good weekend

The UNOH retreat this weekend was really good. I'm pretty tired, but my spirit feels renewed. I heard a lot of awesome preachers and teachers. I met more cool people, and had some fun conversations. I worked really hard making coffee (which I really enjoyed), and heard some kookaburras in the afternoon. I love nature. The fern trees are amazing.

I tried to juggle, and look forward to learning how.

I also almost froze, but at least where we slept was warm... hurray.

I feel very strongly that I need to keep pursuing my art. Whatever that is. Art and nature are such important parts of my life that feed the deepest parts of my soul.

I need to keep writing, and have a couple of books that I should be starting to work on. I need to shoot anything I see that I love (with a camera) and suck it up and use the digital until a black and white door opens for me.

We bought a car last week... $3,000 plus $628 rego.. I hope it lasts! The merc is back to nick and anita, on it's very last leg. So long cool car... It's a flash back because we had this car before in the states and it was white... That car had the window busted out 4 times... I don't think that will happen here in Melbourne... Pomona, there's nothing like it.

looks like that only dark grey...

It's the corolla version of my mother inlaw, Kath's, old car. It freaks me out when I walk out the door and see it. I expect her to be here.

I had another strange moment last week when me and John had dinner with some friends in the city. It was a small ish resteraunt called the Saraha. When we walked in it really reminded us of our loft. After dinner I went to the "toilet" and everything looked like the loft, even the art work on the walls. When I sat back down I noticed that painted on the wall to my left was a pack man and a ghost!!! what are the odds? It wasn't bright, so I missed it at first. It was washed over ish... crazy..

caught in a vortex... Raquel


Anonymous said...

Wow that is crazy. I saw that picture before i read what you wrote and thought of your old loft immediatly. You should move back:0)

Anonymous said...

No she shouldn't you children of the devil!!!! I'm gonna pray right now like that great Christian leader, Will Ferrell. 'I wanna thank little baby Jesus, who's sittin' in his crib watchin the Baby Einstein videos, learnin' 'bout shapes and colors. Could you please smote those lumpy butted Californians called Staci B and Heather.'

Anonymous said...

Looks like your loft to me. Miss you.