sorry it's been a month since I've written anything. I have been struggling with my "issues". Trying to work on them, so we'll see what happens... I'm OK, so no need to worry, just a bit brainless, and really lethargic.
OK, lot's going on around here, especially in
Adriahna is never home. She is either with her friends or at work.
They both won "excellence in academic" awards, where poor
John is on new meds and can't sleep, but seems to be more sensitive, and I think they are working!
I have been working... and some more working... next week I will work some more... my hands are cracked and bloodied from grouting massive mosaic panels. There are 23 that will need to be done, and with multiple colors. It is great to contribute to things that will be there for ever...Pretty soon I will be able to take you around the western suburbs and show you so many projects I worked on! Pretty cool, pretty hard on the back and hands. Not to mention my right arm is out of proportion in muscle to my left.
Spring is coming and we have had some amazing days! Missing a month of winter kicks ass!
John, I mean I! am opening a jiu jitsu studio at the cave, which is the church we work with and are in the process of turning into a community center, it’s coming along well. There are already drop in days, movie nights, open mic nights and game nights. In the near future there will be dance classes offered, jiu jitsu classes and an art studio. The girls and I still tutor the Sudanese family who lives in the house there. I'm also trying to learn arabic... not so easy! For example... "where" in English is when or "wen" in Arabic... me and Nadia took half an hour to figure that one out... it was like the who's on first of lost in translation... she doesn't speak English and I don't speak Arabic... it's a lot of fun. That sounded sarcastic, but it's not!
Cricket season is coming... John got his new bat for his birthday and is swinging it all around the house. The pre season training is starting now.
We will spend this weekend at the surrender conference, in the middle of no where. If you're interested you can read about it at We will be volunteering there, I will be making coffees and John will be doing all kinds of odd jobs... the girls will sell stuff. John and I are on some of the panel discussions. It's such an amazing opportunity for the girls. They get so inspired; I think the last two conferences are why they want to go to
Oh and Winston is fine... he's as beautiful as ever. He did get his butt kicked by a girl, but remained submissive the whole time! What a good Ozzy boy. He almost had a girlfriend for a year (while her parents went to
If you are a praying kind of person, please pray for wisdom on what to do with my meds. Should I go up in dosage or just eat more fiber? You know what I mean....
Too much Love,
pictures will follow, or actually the way this thing works they will precede
Thanks for reading all that! It's kinda really long... I loved loved loved your pics this morning! They inspired me. You are soooo beautifull! Do you know the sex yet? Let me know the final due date you get. I'm really going to try to come over for awhile... probably less than two weeks... and so you know Tilly and the Wall are playing in the back round right now... all us girls LOVE them, the males in the house HATE them.
life is nice... why can't I just get that? I think God's words for me today are "just enjoy the ride, and shut the fu#@ up" :) but in the nice way. I hate the way my brain works, always trying to find the why? The meaning... If I ask myself "why am I here?" one more time I will slap myself :)
The more I talk about this, the more I come out of it, so excuse my talking so much. Kathy started by asking me a few weeks ago how I was, and with each beautiful conversaion with a few different people... I'm waking up again... I came back from the states and went into a deep sleep... maybe it was just hybernation... that's normal right?
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