Adriahna graduated from high school on Friday. There was a small assembly at her school in the gym at 11:37am. One teacher spoke and one student spoke. A power point slide show of the girls and then a quick handing out of certificates. There were about 15 parents and others there. Quite a contrast to an American graduation! Afterwards we had lunch together (the year 12 girls, their teachers and the few parents that were there). I guess it's usually held at night so more parents can go, but the girl's school is so small I think they are big slackers :) There were 45 girls graduating and 400 total in the school now.
Adriahna still has exams to go (first few weeks of November). All of the year 12 students are stressed. I won't go into how the system works here, but their whole ability to get into university relies on these exams. Once they are over Adriahna will truly be done and will breath a lot easier. She will then go back to work and make $$ for the future.
Our future still hangs in the balance as we haven't heard back from immigration yet regarding our sponsorship. This is making us all crazy and me and John are taking two weeks off right now to re group ourselves.
Cheyenne is wrapping up year 10. She is stressed with a lot of homework and all the normal things. She will also have exams in November and then the end of this school year is in Dec. (yes, it's summer here). She will probably have her jaw surgery during the break over Christmas. She is looking/not looking forward to having it. She is keen to have it all finished. She is very happy her teeth are now all straight :)
I am finished working at the cafe for now, and haven't done any mosaicing for quite awhile.
John is happy it's cricket season again. He is working hard and keeps busy between all the churches, jiu jitsu, cricket and local community stuff.
The churches are going well. I'll go into all the details another time.
Winsoton is well, and very cute.
We will be going to America in April for weddings. So I think that I will be figuring out a way to make a lot of $$ over the next 5 months.
If our visa is denied. We will be moving back in April as our current visa expires in May.
We love you all and miss you very much!
the jensens
Adriahna graduated! AHH!! April is quickly approaching...can't imagine the stress. Either way, I can't wait to see you!
Congratulations Adriahna!
I wish I would have had more time to get to know each of you before you moved, but I keep up-to-date every time someone posts something, and Ruth and I talk about you guys.
We will be praying for the $$ to roll in for the VISA / sponsorship stuff – I know it can be nerve-racking waiting for VISAs to come through, but God's always got it goin' on.
Peace and Love
Thanks for the update Rock... your husband just seems to mumble these days! Thinking of you guys always and praying that a mistake gets made in at DIMMIA and they grant you permanent residency! Oh, and who is this Staci from Longbeach that seems to keep stalking you?
- Nick
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