Thursday, April 17, 2008


me and writing don't mix well. The part of my brain that over thinks everything shuts down the part of my brain that has thoughts... I feel like I have to write even if nothing interesting or worth writing comes out. So here I go whether I like it or not.

Leaving pretty much sucked...

Upon arriving in the states I wax and wane between feeling like I'm on holiday and like the last 4 years were all a dream. So I guess you could say it's all pretty surreal.

Everything looks a little bit different. Which makes sense considering I'm standing left of center now. your vantage point changes everything.

1 comment:

urbanmonk said...

Sounds very surreal. I finally got around to adding you in the links of my blog that is quite popular with the ladies:)

thats what I tell myself anyway.

So now you have to write something akin to the genius of painted toilet rolls stacked in the corner... It really was the best art I ever saw.

Im trying something similar with bones laid out on the footpath or the train platform to make the word love. But it just doesnt come close to the toilet rolls.

Please excuse my ranting emails:) Vantage points indeed change everything. A bit like money..