Monday, May 22, 2006


Read the next one before you read this one... they are in order... kinda

just to add a bit of perspective urbanmonk... if you were sitting in a cafe having a cuppa with the elephant man, you would struggle to say that you could truly identify with him.... and in reality you truly could not.

John says my last title was bad... does that help explain it?


urbanmonk said...

When i said that I identified with the elephant man, I meant that I identified with aspects of his story, as related by yancey to illustrate a point about seeing with eyes of faith. You are right, I would struggle to identify with HIS particular suffering. But I still Identify with HIM even if it is a small way. You might think Im just a nother thumsucker, but his story strikes a chord with something of my experience. I am not sure why this is,( well, yes I am, but I am not about to share that with you on a public blog..) but His story touches aspects and parts of my story..Shadows that they might be... And yes Im a little touchy about it. So thanks for pointing all that out. Mighty neighborly of you.

Raquel said...

??? there's some kind of miss communication going on here...

I'm not calling you a thumbsucker, or was saying that you are... didn't know that was something you would call people... thumbsucker is a movie that just came out... I sucked my thumb untill I was 11... so I'm the thumbsucker... not sure what that means to you. I was just saying that we all feel pretty fu@#ed up... but have to hold the tention of it also could be worse. There are people who suffer more than we have or do. I think keeping this tention is a important part of healing. It's funny that the things that are true of me are used as insults in socity... "thumbsucker"... "you're adopted"! I am thoes things.... owell