why I pray;
to talk to God
for God to talk to me
to share my life with Him, my hopes my dreams my worries
to exchange my thoughts for His
the bibles says to
so I know what to do tomorrow
so I know what to do about hard things
for comfort when I am sad
To express myself (praise or cursing)
why I don't pray;
to get what I want (although I hope I do)
to manipulate God
to live a pain free life
to earn anything
Thoughts on the week;
I guess I've come to see my prayer as a purely relational thing.
I've also come to see that God can be glorified in anything. I'm also thinking that He can often be glorified even more in our pain.
I've watched a friend of mine, over the last couple of weeks, post op, and not think about her own pain, but minister to the needs of others, thus showing Jesus to them while they were suffering. A Jesus they don't even know, but now have had an encounter with.
I can see how she and our community would have been encouraged if she was healed PRE op.
I can also see that her going through the surgery many more people have been blessed. Most importantly people who don't already know Him.
I'm not saying there is no place for healing.... don't get me wrong, I'm just saying what I saw these last 2 weeks.
I was also thinking about how there is such a shortage of mini jesus' around. This could be one of the reasons we see less of those types of healings these days... God needs us in hospital to be with the suffering. He really needs us in this world, and since we don't out number yet... to hospital we go?

Oh, theres someone out there all right..Theyve been sitting patiently by there computer waiting for the wizdom to begin streaming again..
"I guess I've come to see my prayer as a purely relational thing."
This might seem a bit weird, maybe even a little heretical, but sometimes I feel like my prayer is so "relational" so intimate,( not that it is by any means pure, or riighteous, or fervent) that I would find it hard to pray out loud in front of people. Is that wrong? Perhaps its just that I have spent quite sometime without community prayer.. I was never really comfortable with it any way( community prayer) Is that wrong? theres too much temptation to be showy and eloquent. To not pray, but perform
"I'm also thinking that He can often be glorified even more in our pain."
Thers a pearl for you!
Your quite the theologian arent you...Its refreshing to hear someone talk about prayer in a more holistic way. I am currently chewing on a very slim volume about prayer, called, " the SPirituality of the Psalms."
"He really needs us in this world, and since we don't out number yet... to hospital we go?"
Yep..good one! Thats the clincher..
I'm out here reading as well.
I've really enjoyed this little series, thanks.
Also thanks for your input at the Forge Cluster the other day, it was insightful.
Keep writing.
Thanks guys for being there. Thanks for your patience too. I was a little worried about my friends privacy and wasn't sure how to put my thoughts into words. I get lots of ideas, but struggle to put them into concise sentences. I do have a tendency to blah on so I really have to work to get it on here. It's good for me though. I enjoy it a lot!
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