Wednesday, July 26, 2006

pigs in space

I guess I've been a bit shut down since I got back to OZ. Going back and forth is pretty brutal. Some people can move away and it doesn't bother them much at all. Some people aren't so lucky. I won't complain because I'm told how much harder it is on my friends in the states. Which honestly I wouldn't want to be stuck in the states right now either ;)

So I've been struggling to hold thought processes and to feel very much inspired at all. I've had quick moments of things to write about and then my mind goes blank soon after. It also takes awhile to get used to the spiritual atmosphere here. It's so thick and depressing. Especially in winter.

I have had one thought process float around in my empty mind and have come back a few times... I've been thinking about what love looks like in the 21st century. What does love look like in a consumer driven culture. I think we are pretty aware of what church looks like or should I say Mc Church, but I've been thinking about relationships. I suppose Mc friends? I'll talk more on this soon.

Our two year extention has been approved. I sure hope my mood lifts before then :)

I do love you all... if you're out there somewhere... in spaaace...

hey do you remember "pigs in spaaaaaace..." I loved them

Here's a funny pic I found while looking for that one....

That's awesome!


Anonymous said...

Dannylle I Feel You On The McFriends bit. I Find Myself Trimming Back On All My Fruitless, Friendships. I'm Sick Of The Bull Of Keeping Things Going When Everything Is Surface Talk. I Cherish The People Who Let Me Know Them. Especially The Ones On The Other Side Of The World. It Did Me Good To See Ya'll.

Raquel said...

Hey! I just saw this on here! Hello beautiful! It did me heaps good to see you too... I have the image of John with your hair on, in a Mexican restaurant forever engrained in my mind :) good times!