Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Raquel and her em bare assing moments

When I'm feeling a bit flat I find it hard to write. So I thought I would just share a few funny tutoring stories with you... I spend most of my days working, either mosaicing or cafe ing, or tutoring... in between I spend time with my church. Most days I miss someone in the states too much and feel sorry for myself for not feeling like I know what I'm doing here... then funny things happen or someone is helped and I feel better for awhile... I really need to pull my head out more often.

My last food faux pa was with the Sudanese family in Ascot Vale... I have another family that I'm tutoring in English; they live in St. Albans, about 30min west of where we live. It's a bit like San Bernardino is to Riverside...

The other day me and the girls where there tutoring... they work with some of the kids (there are seven) and I work with the mom for about two hours. We have learned that when you are finished you are meant to have a cup of coffee or tea, they get very upset if you don't... this is the first time we have been served at this house. We poured the water out of this kettle type thing (both families have them, it took us weeks to work out how to use them) and it smelled so lovely. So we all drank up the beautiful smelling tea, and it tasted great. The next week me and Cheyenne went back again, again we are served after teaching... we asked about the tea (chey) in the kettle, the mom told us that it's not tea, it's water with something in it for fragrance.... imagine how we looked drinking the water going on about how good it tasted... hahahaha

In this family there are seven kids. The youngest ones are 2 1/2 and are twin girls. Then there is a boy who is 4 almost 5. These 3 are always there when we come as they are not in school like the other 4 kids. Let's just say these kids are VERY cheeky and aren't too happy that we are there taking their mother’s attention away from them. The twins usually greet us by taking off their clothes and showing us their butts... they are so cute you can't help but laugh, but the mom hardly thinks it's funny. They are very into being nude as I imagine they have just been potty trained and are feeling a new sense of freedom without a dyper.

Last week I ventured out alone as the girls were busy. This time I took the train and it was a relaxing ride. When I got there the twins proceeded to drop their drawers and shake their bottoms at me... so cute... the older boy was in a particularly funny mood... he was climbing on the couch and making jokes to me. He then proceeded to get down and back up towards me until his bottom was resting on my foot as I was sitting with my legs crossed and my foot was at the prefect height for his butt. He then proceeded to rip a big ol fart on my foot (my foot vibrated).... he thought this was the funniest thing ever until his poor, horrified mom dragged him off to give him a woopen. The kid farted on me! I was in shock and thought it was so funny, but I could tell his mom was horrified. When she finally came back in the room she said “sooo sorry teacher”, I told her it was ok. It's so hard when you lack the language to explain that it's really ok, even though it's not ok to her... I'm an American and am used to being farted on ;)

I love this family. Actually I love both families and thoroughly enjoy helping them. They are beautiful people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, we missed your comical wisdom so. You possess such a wonderful sense of humor. I think I would have been as horrified as the mother had the boy farted on my foot. I'll bet I would have brought my foot up and given him the heave ho. That is why you do what you do and I don't. Anyway keep writing you are always a blessing and Lord knows we need all the blessing we can get these days. LOVE YOU Kathy