moving forward... the previous post probably should have been written two months ago or so, but I wasn't in the frame of mind to make words.
I could have not posted about the ugly, but out of respect to all of us (everyone) who has suffered over the last 4 years, between leaving the states to leaving OZ, we have all shed many tears and those need some form of recognition.... It didn't seem right to have the story of footscray on here without it.
With that in mind... this blog is an american in footscray and alas that american is no longer in footscray... but the LBC :)
I have been feeling much better over the last few weeks as I have begun to dream of what life here might look like. I have been enjoying the bike and the beauty of the ocean. The bike has been a God send! The girls both have jobs they are enjoying and are adjusting to a new life. John is nearing the end of a vow and a sabbatical and is ready to run again. I'm enjoying the creative part of my brain being back in action... for some reason it was not functioning much in OZ. I'm seeing things differently, and enjoying it. Not to mention at least one ticket has been bought and an Ozzy is coming !! Can't wait for Nov Chris ! :)
So this is the end of an american in footscray... I'm putting her to sleep for now.... I'll probably start another one and put a link for it on here... I'm not going to delete it as I don't want to loose the content. Just let it lie dormant (not much different than before :)
good night my few little readers ;)
from the other side of the pacific